Rosseti North-Wes  |
Compilation Date: | 05 Feb 25 |
Company Overview
General Info | |
Full Company Name | PJSC "Rosseti North-West" |
Industrial Group | Power Energy (IDGC) |
Number of Employees | 14,246 |
Registration Date | 23 Dec 04 |
Registered Address | Constitution Square, 3"À", office 16N, St. Petersburg, 196247 |
Main Office | Constitution Square, 3"À", office 16N, St. Petersburg, 196247 |
Telephone / Fax | (812) 305-1010; 305-1034 / (812) 320-6170 |
e-mail | |
Internet Home Page | |
Registrar | JSC "R.O.S.T. Registrar" |
Auditor | LLC "CATR-audit services" |
Financial Adviser | n. a. |
Legal Adviser | n. a. |
Corporate Management |
Chairman of the Board | Polinov Alexey | General Director | Torsunov Vyacheslav |
Price Highlights | |
Price per Common Share, USD | 0.000661 |
YTD Price Change, % | 22.16 |
P/E Ratio | 4.4159 |
Market Capitalization, USD | 63,352,484 |
Common Shares in Free Float, % | 25.00 |
Operations Summary | |
JSC “Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the North-West” (JSC “IDGC of the North-West”) was created during the reformation of the Russian public company “Unified Energy System of Russia” and registered in December 2004. The structure of JSC “IDGC of the North-West” was approved by RAO UES of Russia on April 27, 2007. According to RAO UES, the zone of responsibility of IDGC of the North-West includes JSC Arkhenergo, JSC Karelenergo, JSC Kolenergo, JSPC Komienergo, JSC Vologdaenergo, JSC Novgorodenergo and JSC Pskovenergo. The company has been functioning as the main service provider on the power transmission and process connection to power networks in these regions. Total length of electricity transmission lines is 175,372 km. Service territory of the company is 1.4 million sq. km with the population of nearby 5.8 million people. Amount of 35 kV substations and those of higher voltage held in the company inventory equals 1,172 pieces; the installed capacity of power transformers of substations is 19.249 thousand MVA. The authorized capital is RUB 9.5786 billion. The State owns 55.4 % of IDGC of North-West’s share capital. In May 2008, shares of JSC “IDGC of the North-West” were offered for trading on the key Russian exchanges: RTS and MICEX. |
Shares Information
Charter Capital Structure |
Type of Share | Shares Outstanding | Nominal Value |
Common Share | 95,785,923,138 | 0.10 RUR |
Major Shareholders |
Name | % of Voting Stock | % of Charter Capital |
PJSC "Federal Grid Company- Rosseti" | n. a. | 55.38 | PJSC "ROSSETI" | 55.38 | 55.38 | ENERGYO SOLUTIONS RUSSIA (CUPRUS) LIMITED | 14.41 | 14.41 |
Equity Positions in Other Companies |
Name | % of Charter Capital |
JSC "North-West Energoservice" | 100.00 | JSC "Pskovenergoagent" | 100.00 | JSC "Pskovenergosbyt" | 100.00 | JSC "Lesnaya Skazka" | 97.96 |
Dividends History |
Period | Payment per Share, USD | Number of Shares | Ex-Date | Payment Date | Payout Ratio, % | Dividend Yield, % |
2007 / com | n. p. | 95,785,923,138 | - | - | - | - | 2008 / com | n. p. | 95,785,923,138 | - | - | - | - | 2009 / com | n. p. | 95,785,923,138 | - | - | - | - | 2010 / com | n. p. | 95,785,923,138 | - | - | - | - | 2011 / com | n. p. | 95,785,923,138 | - | - | - | - | 2012 / com | 0.000005 | 95,785,923,138 | 13 May 13 | 20 Aug 13 | 23.60846 | 0.232394 | 2013 / com | 0.000022 | 95,785,923,138 | 08 Jul 14 | 13 Aug 14 | 22.515886 | 2.563929 | 2014 / com | n. p. | 95,785,923,138 | - | - | - | - | 2015 / com | 0.000063 | 95,785,923,138 | 24 Jun 16 | 01 Aug 16 | 57.662137 | 17.037541 | 2016 / com | 0.000019 | 95,785,923,138 | 23 Jun 17 | 31 Jul 17 | 27.377952 | 2.140286 | 2017 / com | n. p. | 95,785,923,138 | - | - | - | - | 2018 / com | 0.000063 | 95,785,923,138 | 24 Jun 19 | 30 Jul 19 | 62.843878 | 7.929904 | 9M19 / com | 0.000032 | 95,785,923,138 | 13 Jan 20 | 18 Feb 20 | 100.638852 | 3.316964 | 2019 / com | 0.000018 | 95,785,923,138 | 08 Jun 20 | 17 Jul 20 | 19.99837 | 2.073145 | 2020 / com | n. p. | 95,785,923,138 | - | - | - | - | 2021 / com | n. p. | 95,785,923,138 | - | - | - | - | 2022 / com | n. p. | 95,785,923,138 | - | - | - | - | 2023 / com | n. p. | 95,785,923,138 | - | - | - | - |
Stock Market
Instruments on Exchanges |
Type of Instrument | Ticker | ISIN | Market |
Rosseti North-Wes | MRKZ | RU000A0JPPB9 | MOEX |
Price Chart |
Participation in DR Programs |
Level | Effective Date | Underlying Share Ratio | CUSIP | Depositary Bank |
No DRs issued. |
Weightings in Indices |
Name | Weight | Inclusion Date | Notes |
Does not constitute to any indices. |
Key Financial Characteristics
Balance Sheet |
| 31 Dec 22 | 31 Dec 23 | 30 Sep 24 | 31 Dec 22 | 31 Dec 23 | 30 Sep 24 |
| RUR mn | RUR mn | RUR mn | USD mn | USD mn | USD mn |
RUR/USD Exchange rate | 71.98 | 89.69 | 93.22 |
ASSETS, of which | 55,622.46 | 57,386.79 | 60,351.01 | 772.76 | 639.86 | 647.39 |
Fixed Assets and Other Non-current Assets, of which | 44,973.81 | 47,844.27 | 49,090.82 | 624.82 | 533.46 | 526.6 |
| Fixed Assets | 40,844.3 | 41,637.52 | 42,562.67 | 567.45 | 464.26 | 456.57 |
| Intangible Assets | 0 | 0.16 | 1,006.87 | 0 | 0.00 | 10.8 |
| Other Assets | 4,129.5 | 6,206.59 | 5,521.28 | 57.37 | 69.2 | 59.23 |
Current Assets, of which | 10,648.65 | 9,542.52 | 11,260.19 | 147.94 | 106.4 | 120.79 |
| Inventories | 1,251.33 | 1,283.34 | 1,692.01 | 17.38 | 14.31 | 18.15 |
| Accounts Receivable | 5,144.99 | 4,751.46 | 4,888.34 | 71.48 | 52.98 | 52.44 |
| Cash | 3,352.55 | 2,701.13 | 3,919.24 | 46.58 | 30.12 | 42.04 |
| Other Current Assets | 899.78 | 806.6 | 760.59 | 12.5 | 8.99 | 8.16 |
OWNER'S EQUITY, of which | 20,633.74 | 20,283.43 | 22,512.41 | 286.66 | 226.16 | 241.49 |
| Charter Capital | 9,578.59 | 9,578.59 | 9,578.59 | 133.08 | 106.8 | 102.75 |
| Reserves | 1,797.41 | 1,797.41 | 1,797.41 | 24.97 | 20.04 | 19.28 |
| Retained Earnings | 9,257.74 | 8,907.43 | 11,136.41 | 128.62 | 99.32 | 119.46 |
LIABILITIES, of which | 34,988.71 | 37,103.36 | 37,838.6 | 486.1 | 413.7 | 405.89 |
| Long-Term Debt | 4,697 | 2,250 | 2,250 | 65.26 | 25.09 | 24.14 |
| Short-Term Debt | 12,612.65 | 11,899.43 | 11,461.75 | 175.23 | 132.68 | 122.95 |
| Accounts Payable | 9,853.98 | 9,307.21 | 9,119.57 | 136.9 | 103.78 | 97.83 |
| Other Liabilities | 7,825.08 | 13,646.72 | 15,007.28 | 108.71 | 152.16 | 160.98 |
Financial data standard | RAS | RAS | RAS | RAS | RAS | RAS |
Audited | Audited | Audited | Audited | Audited | Audited |
Non-consolidated | Non-consolidated | Non-consolidated | Non-consolidated | Non-consolidated | Non-consolidated |
P&L Account |
| 31 Dec 22 | 31 Dec 23 | 30 Sep 24 | 31 Dec 22 | 31 Dec 23 | 30 Sep 24 |
| RUR mn | RUR mn | RUR mn | USD mn | USD mn | USD mn |
Average RUR/USD Exchange rate | 68.64 | 85.55 | 90.19 |
Sales | 47,781.16 | 53,358.97 | 41,899.22 | 696.11 | 623.7 | 464.58 |
Production Costs | 45,684.73 | 51,086.16 | 40,492.66 | 665.57 | 597.14 | 448.98 |
Operating Profit | 2,096.44 | 2,272.8 | 1,406.56 | 30.54 | 26.57 | 15.6 |
Other Income | -2,652.96 | -2,719.07 | 959.99 | -38.65 | -31.78 | 10.64 |
Income Before Taxes | -556.52 | -446.27 | 2,366.56 | -8.11 | -5.22 | 26.24 |
Net Income | -455.24 | -354.69 | 2,234.09 | -6.63 | -4.15 | 24.77 |
Financial data standard | | | | | | |
Audited | Audited | Audited | Audited | Audited | Audited |
Non-consolidated | Non-consolidated | Non-consolidated | Non-consolidated | Non-consolidated | Non-consolidated |
Key Ratios |
| 31 Dec 22 | 31 Dec 23 | 30 Sep 24 |
Company Valuation Coefficients | |
P/BV | 0.12 | 0.42 | 0.28 |
P/S | 0.05 | 0.15 | 0.11 |
P/E | neg. | neg. | 4.42 |
Company Efficiency Coefficients | |
Sales/Employee, USD thnd | 50.42 | 44.30 | 44.02 |
Net Profit Margin, % | neg. | neg. | 2.48 |
ROA, % | neg. | neg. | 2.15 |
ROE, % | neg. | neg. | 5.95 |
Turnover Coefficients | |
Receivables Turnover | 10.24 | 10.14 | 10.59 |
Assets Turnover | 0.96 | 0.89 | 0.87 |
Inventory Turnover | 44.08 | 39.83 | 34.86 |
Liabilities Turnover | 1.56 | 1.40 | 1.36 |
Capital Structure Coefficients | |
Equity Ratio | 0.37 | 0.35 | 0.37 |
Debt Ratio | 0.63 | 0.65 | 0.63 |
Equity/Debt | 0.59 | 0.55 | 0.59 |
Current Liquidity | 0.44 | 0.42 | 0.50 |
Quick Liquidity | 0.39 | 0.36 | 0.42 |
Production Overview
Production |
Product | Measure | 2022 | 2023 | 1H24 | Units |
Volume of electric power transferred | 1,000,000 | 31,431 | 31,398 | 16,745 | kWh |
Capacity |
Product | Measure | Capacity | Units |
Installed capacity of transformer substations PS 35kV and more. | 1 | 19,777 | MW | Installed capacity of transformer substations TP 6-35/0,4kV | 1 | 7,401 | MW |