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December 9, 2004

OJSC “Surgutneftegas” sighs contracts on cooperation

On December 8th, in the city of Lensk, the Government of the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia and OJSC “Surgutneftegas” as well as Municipal Formation “Lensky District” and OJSC “Surgutneftegas” entered into contracts on cooperation in the socioeconomic development.

A contract signed by Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia Egor Borisov and by Director General of OJSC “Surgutneftegas” Vladimir Bogdanov stipulates that the terms of the license agreement to use the subsoil of the Talakan oil, gas and condensate field shall be met and the Company shall participate in the socioeconomic development programs for the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia.

Under the agreement the government of the republic takes the responsibility to allocate plots of land to the Company for carrying out all necessary activities associated with the development of the Talakan field, to get all required approvals, to grant permits and licenses which are obligatory to carry out projects.

On its part the Company commits to comply with the law and stick to the projects while carrying out activities associated with the subsoil use.

According to the contract, the Company is going to take advantage of scientific and production potential of the Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy to do work and research; besides, the Company is going to help the Academy construct one of its buildings, finance on a shared basis the construction of a building with classrooms and laboratories for students of the Oil and Gas Industry Department of the Mirny Branch of the Yakutsk State University.

The contract signed by Sergei Avdeev, head of Lensky District Administration, and Vladimir Bogdanov, Director General of OJSC “Surgutneftegas”, provides for cooperation in implementing programs to develop Lensky District both socially and economically.

As part of these programs, the Company is going to employ on a preferred basis the residents of Lensky District who have relevant professional skills, to engage specialized companies of Lensky District to construct facilities on the Talakan field, to draw up a general plan to develop Vitim at its own expense.

Besides, while the license agreement is valid, the Company is going to build houses for its employees and a twenty-apartment house for public sector employees, to lay motor roads to settlements of indigenous people, to finance part of construction operations and equipment for a school and a recreation center in Vitim, educational facilities and a dormitory of the polytechnic college in Peleduy, and a sports center with a swimming pool in the city of Lensk.

The contracts came into force when they were signed; they cease to be effective when the license to use the subsoil of the Talakan field expires.


Press Service of OJSC “Surgutneftegas”




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