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April 1, 2005

OJSC “VolgaTelecom” Board of directors appointed Mr. Alexander Kirillov to be acting General Director

Nizhny Novgorod, March 2005: OJSC “VolgaTelecom” Board of directors was held on March 31, 2005, it passed the resolution on termination of authority of OJSC “VolgaTelecom” General Director Mr. Vladimir Lyulin basing on his application to leave the office due to retirement and expiry of labor contract term. Mr. Vladimir Lyulin’s application was considered on March 23, 2005 by the Staff and rewards Committee of OJSC “VolgaTelecom”.

“Mr. Vladimir Lyulin is one of the most experienced and successful managers of “Svyazinvest” holding says Mr. Evgenyi Yurchenko – the chairman of the Board of directors of OJSC “VolgaTelecom”, - “VolgaTelecom”,  and Mr. Vladimir Lyulin  contributed much to its establishment, has now stable market positions, its business is effective, dynamic and adaptive. I would like to thank Mr. Vladimir Lyulin for long and conscientious service and wish him good health and success”.

The Company’s Board of directors passed the resolution to appoint to be the General Director of OJSC “VolgaTelecom” Mr. Alexander Kirillov – the 1-st deputy to the General Director (Technical director) of OJSC “VolgaTelecom”.

Biographical data

Mr. Vladimir Fedorovich Lyulin, honored communication worker of Russian Federation, Academician of International Academy of Telecommunications, he has worked over 45 years in telecom industry. In 1985 he headed of the oblast's communication department of Nizhny Novgorod oblast, and in 1993 he became the General Director of OJSC “Nizhegorodsvyazinform”. Since 2002 he is the General Director of OJSC “VolgaTelecom”. For his activity Mr. Vladimir Lyulin has government and departmental decorations and ranks. Vladimir Fedorovich Lyulin is doctor of telecommunications of Volga region Institute for computer science, radio engineering and communication, Honorary Doctor of Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, Honorary freeman of Nizhny Novgorod oblast. 

Mr. Alexander Ivanovich Kirillov, Academician of International Academy of Telecommunications, has honorary ranks of “Master of communication of Russian Federation”, “Honored communication worker of the Republic of Maryi El”. He was borne in 1956, has higher education in the sciences. Since 1989 he has been occupying leading positions, when he was appointed to the post of the chief of production and technical communication department of Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (MASSR), in 1991 he is the chief of State enterprise of communication and information “Rossviyazinform” of MASSR. In 1993 he was elected the General Director of OJSC “Martelcom”. Due to reorganization of OJSC “Martelcom” in the form of affiliation to OJSC “VolgaTelecom” in December 2002 he was appointed deputy General Director of OJSC “VolgaTelecom” – director of the branch in the Republic of Maryi El. In 1999 for his services Mr. Alexander Kirillov was awarded the diploma “Stability and development” of the VI-th All-Russia contest “Man and career”.


OJSC “VolgaTelecom” is the largest telecommunication company of the Volga region providing telephony, cellular communication, Internet and data transfer, TV and radio broadcasting services.  The Company was established in 2002, when within the terms of communication industry restructuring, 11 telecommunication operators of the Volga Federal district were consolidated into OJSC “VolgaTelecom”. The installed capacity of consolidated company - 4,7 million numbers. The Company’s shares are traded at RTS and MICEX. Since 1997 I-level American Depositary Receipts program is carried out, the specified receipts being traded at Frankfurt, Berlin stock exchanges and at the USA OTC market.




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