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North-West Telecom

November 6, 2009

OJSC North-West Telecom has carried out an inspection of the correctness of termination routes of incoming international and long-distance calls to communication networks of the Petersburg and Murmansk branches

Late in October 2009 OJSC North-West Telecom completed the work of checking the correctness of termination routes of incoming international and long-distance calls (I/LD traffic) to communication networks of the Petersburg and Murmansk branches. The examination of OJSC N.W. Telecom's telephone network for the correctness of traffic termination was carried out by the Russia n company CJSC Jet Info systems.

Jet Info systems' technique for detecting in correct traffic termination* is based on the following testing method: making many test calls from various points in Russia, CIS and other foreign countries both from fixed and mobile telephony networks and via VoIP providers. All in all, more than 20,000 thousand calls from over 300 networks of 56 countries were made within the framework of the project in OJSC N.W. Telecom.

Upon completion of the testing, experts of Jet Info system s collected and analyzed the protocols of the test connection s using the special software Interconnect Bay Pass Detection. As a result, a detailed report on the route of each test call was made up. This made it possible to find more than 20 in correct termination points, via which significant volumes of incoming I/LD traffic were sent to OJSC N.W. Telecom's network under the guise of local traffic or with a breach of the traffic passage procedure agreed upon in the terms of the current interconnect contracts.

The work that is being done will make it possible for OJSC N.W. Telecom to ensure control over legal termination of traffic at our network, under which a higher communication quality is achieved and settlements with interconnected operators become more understandable and clearer. Correct grounding of I/LD traffic to OJSC N.W. Telecom's network may yield an extra income to the company that could amount to fifty to several hundred million roubles per year.

'The study conducted by Jet Info systems will save a significant amount of our resources. We used to resort only to long-distance check dialing to prevent fraud in traffic grounding to OJSC N.W. Telecom 's network, and starting from 2009 we have been using international check dialing, too, with the help of our partner, the Moscow company Jet Info systems. After a connection, its route is document ed and analyzed, and if any breach is found in the traffic grounding procedure, the partner operator is called to account. Now our traffic is under our control. The report will be used by OJSC N.W. Telecom as a ground for applying to regulatory authorities and the court,'   Anatoly Megvinov, Director of OJSC N.W. Telecom's Security Department, said.

'The first project in Russia for fighting il legal traffic termination in fixed telephone communication networks is also the first experience of our company in this field. We have been preparing for a long time, gaining knowledge in the field of fighting fraud and guaranteeing income, have been forming a team of specialists and working on the methodology. And, finally, we have carried out a check according to a clear-cut plan, without any problems or deviations. The gained experience and the good reference from the customer allow us to undertake new projects with confidence. Such testing for any telephone networks makes it possible to find out swindlers and to save huge amounts of money for customers,' Igor Lyapunov, Director of the Information Security Centre of Jet Info system s stressed.

* In correct termination is ending calls to a communication operator's network with a breach of the applicable standard and legal acts, contractual relations between the communication operators and/or economic interests of the operator.

About Jet Info systems

Jet Info system s is one of the major system integrators in the markets of Russia and the CIS. The company provides a wide range of services in the design, creation and service of trusted computer system s and networks, organization of IT infrastructure and IT services management, information security solutions, and specialized industry solutions. The company has regional offices in eight cities of Russia – from St. Petersburg and Krasnodar to Vladivostok, as well as representative offices in Ukraine, Kazkhstan and Azerbaijan. It is implementing projects in Pakistan, Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.




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