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June 7, 2019

At SPIEF 2019, the projects of young specialists in the context of the final stage of the International Youth Energy Forum were defended

Teams from Italy, Serbia, China, the Republic of Belarus and Russia presented the results of many months of work to the international representative jury composed of Pavel Sorokin, Deputy Energy Minister, Nenad Popovich, Minister for Innovation and Technological Development of Serbia, Sergey Kiryukhin, Deputy General Director - Head of Rosseti Office, Nikolay Rogalyov, Rector of NRU MEI, and other recognized international industry experts. 

Andrey Mayorov, Deputy General Director, chief engineer of the company, addressed the participants of the forum: "In the context of the forum young professionals from different countries can not only demonstrate their professional skills and share knowledge, but also learn about the most current trends in energy development around the world."

Project defense was preceded by a joint team of young professionals from different countries, which presented the design results of the future power industry until 2030. The jury highly appreciated the results obtained by people during the foresight session. 

As a result of project presentation, meeting of the jury receded for decision-making was delayed. It was extremely difficult to determine the winners - all projects that are responses to the challenges facing other countries (companies) participating in the forum turned out to be meaningful and well-developed. As a result, after long discussions, the Grand Prix was awarded to the team of China for the project called "Application of intelligent automated systems to ensure the safety of network maintenance". The team proposed a set of technological solutions with minimal human involvement at three levels: networks, substations and end users.

The best technological solution nomination was unconditionally won by the Russian team for the project that meets the challenge of Serbia "Reducing financial losses arising from imbalance of the power system and purchase of electricity from neighboring countries at peak consumption". The guys proposed to create a Balkan cross-border system of intraday trading in electricity with the involvement of other Balkan states and energy companies, such as EPS, EMC and ETC. The jury mentioned the large-scale analytical and computational work carried out by the team.

The most heated discussions broke out about the nomination "The best business and organizational solution". The two teams scored almost the same number of points, and only as a result of additional discussion of the jury the winner was determined - the team of Belarus with their project named "Interaction with digital players in the network market". 

Pavel Sorokin, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation congratulated the winners and participants of the IYEF. He noted that the forum is a unique platform for the exchange of experience, knowledge and establishment of long-term partnerships for young professionals.

The awards were presented to the winners by Sergey Kiryukhin, Rosseti Deputy CEO and chief of staff.

A nice conclusion of the forum was a boat trip on the Neva river organized for the participants.




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