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October 31, 2007

Perm. The work of commissions on inspection of readiness for operation during the autumn-winter period of 2007-2008 at “TGC-9” branches, located in Perm Territory, is coming to the end

The certificate of readiness for the autumn-winter period work was presented to the “TGC-9” branch “Perm HPP-9”. This branch consists of two electric power stations – Perm HPP-6, Perm HPP-9 and the Left-bank boiler. It is in charge with the reliable electric-and heat supply of those Perm districts that are located on the left bank of the Kama-river and of the regional industrial plants, working in the oil-refining, chemical and aircraft building industries.

The specialists of “Rostechnadzor”, “Uralenergonadzor”, and “TGC-9” Production management of Perm region took part in the work of the commission, checking out the subsidiary’s equipment and services’ readiness for winter period. Besides, the “TGC-9” subsidiaries’ representatives came from Sverdlovsk region and the city of Berezniki in order to adopt the experience of preparation of the equipment, providing the life support of the most part of the millionth city for winter period.

According to the results of inspection, “TGC-9” branch Perm-HHP-9 was considered as ready for the reliable heat supply to Perm inhabitants and industry during the autumn-winter period. In the context of preparation to the maximum load of the subsidiary’s HPPs work the major and current repairs of the equipment were done, the necessary stock of the reserve fuel was made, the staff was prepared and the manufacturing and common buildings of the stations were warmed.

During the activity of the commission on inspection of readiness for operation in winter of TGC-9 branch Perm HPP-9 there was successfully conducted the emergency training. At that the liquidation of the training emergency on Perm HPP-6 was performed together with the Perm heating networks’ group.

Earlier the certificates of readiness among the TGC-9 subsidiaries in Perm region were received by the Perm heating networks and the Tchaikovsky HPP-18, Kizel GRES-3, Zakamsk HPP-5, Perm HPP-13, and those electric power stations of TGC-9, that belong to “Berezniki HPP-2”. The specialists of the commissions on the inspection of readiness of the power equipment for winter, mark the high level of TGC-9 branches preparation for operation under the conditions of increased load. From October, 29 till November, 2 in accordance with the approved schedule the evaluative commissions are checking up the last branches in Perm Territory, which still have not received the certificates of readiness for operating in winter; they are “Perm HPP-14” and “The engineering centre”.




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