August 31, 2022 – ALROSA has published its annual Sustainability
Report, which discloses the performance of the company and its
subsidiaries for 2019-2021 in terms of human capital development,
environmental protection, regional development, occupational health
and safety, and corporate governance.
The report was prepared in accordance with the GRI
Standards (the Core option) and the UN Global Compact's Principles.
The document passed the independent assurance by JSC Best Solutions
and Technologies1.
As part of the preparation of its eleventh
Sustainability Report, ALROSA continued to improve its data
collection and disclosure tools, and further expanded its reporting
scope, including data on PJSC ALROSA and its 33 subsidiaries in
accordance with the IFRS reporting scope.
The company confirms support of 13 priority and
high relevance UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and
contributes to achieving them in accordance with five strategic
sustainability pillars reflected in the ALROSA
Group's 2021–2025 Sustainability Programme.
“ALROSA is publishing its eleventh
Sustainability Report, which confirms our commitment to the
principles of sustainable development and our desire to communicate
the required information to all stakeholders. Regardless of any
external circumstances, we will continue to adhere to the highest
standards of responsible business conduct and business ethics, and,
as a key employer in our main region of presence, Yakutia, we will
continue supporting the local community and over 30,000 employees. A
separate focus will remain on measures to protect the environment and
preserve the unique ecosystem of Yakutia, as well as on activities to
support the indigenous peoples of the North," said ALROSA’s
CEO Sergey Ivanov.
Since its establishment, ALROSA has paid great
attention to sustainability issues and has implemented many social
and environmental initiatives. In 2021, the company joined the UN
Global Compact. The principles of responsible and efficient business
conduct are an integral part of the company's strategy, which is
confirmed by 2021–2025 Sustainability Programme and the
Policy on Sustainable Development.
the report
JSC Best Solutions and Technologies (former member of the Deloitte
global network based in Russia and Belarus), the company’s website: