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Rosseti Volga

June 24, 2019

Power engineers of Samara Grids and manufacturers of electric vehicles discussed the development of infrastructure for electric vehicles in the territory of the Samara region

A meeting of the Rosseti Volga branch - Samara Grids and Zetta LLC (a member of IDGC of Volga, PJSC) was held in Samara at the site of the Agency for Investment Promotion of the Samara Region. The key topics of discussion were the development of electric transport in the Samara region and the infrastructure for it. The initiators of the meeting were power engineers.

 Zetta LLC - the Russian company which production is located in Tolyatti, Samara region. New perspective development - a unique electric car Zetta, which has no analogues in the world. It uses advanced technology that even Tesla does not have. It is planned that by the end of this year in 2019 10 cars will come off the assembly line, in 2020 - already 2 thousand units, and in the foreseeable future, the planned capacity will be 15 thousand electric vehicles per year. Battery capacity will vary. Mileage on a single charge is expected to be from 200 to 560 km. The developers promise that the electric car will be able to reach a speed of 120 km / h.

Samara power engineers in 2017 installed the first charging stations. The pilot project was implemented as part of the All-Russian Charging Infrastructure Development Program for Electric Vehicles of ROSSETI PJSC. It is worth noting that the Samara region was the first in the Volga region and one of the first ten in Russia, where a network of charging stations was created as part of the program. In total, in the Samara region 7 electric stations are already operating. The plans of the power engineers of the branch Samara Grids is to install 2 more during the year.

Rosseti Volga is a socially-oriented company, and to implement further plans for the development of charging infrastructure in the region, it is considering options for installing new charging stations, taking into account the needs of manufacturers and owners of electric vehicles. This topic was the key at the last meeting.

According to Denis Shchurovsky, General Director of Zetta LLC, the first electric vehicles of the company will be sold in the Samara region. The presence of charging stations significantly increases the demand for new vehicles. Manufacturers are ready to provide an additional Type 2 connector for charging cars using existing Mode 3 type charging devices. It will take from half an hour to two hours to charge the battery of an electric Zetta car.

“We had an absolutely open dialogue with the manufacturer of electric vehicles, with the agency for attracting investments of the Samara region. In fact, our cooperation can be the first project in Russia, where charging stations are not just installed, but work in this direction is carried out directly with the manufacturer of electric transport. This will significantly improve the development of infrastructure, it will be possible to test charging at existing stations. According to the analysis of car sales, you can build a new development plan and install charging stations exactly where there will be high demand. I think that in the near future, together with Zetta LLC and the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of the Samara Region, we will develop a roadmap for the near future, ”said the Deputy Director General of Rosseti Volga, director of the Samara Network branch, Konstantin Sanayev.




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