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Rosseti Centre

February 20, 2020

Preliminary production results of the work of Rosseti Centre and Rosseti Centre and Volga Region in 2019

IDGC of Centre, PJSC and IDGC of Centre and Volga Region, PJSC (operating under the brands of Rosseti Centre and Rosseti Centre and Volga Region) summed up the preliminary results of production activities in 2019. In terms of a number of key indicators, the companies exceeded the results of 2018.

The volume of boiler net supply of electricity for the two Companies amounted to 93.3 billion kWh. The revenue from electricity transmission activities, taking into account the volume of services rendered in the territory where the companies perform the functions of a supplier of last resort, is 185.5 billion rubles, its growth compared to 2018 amounted to 4.9 billion rubles.

The work on connection to electric grids in 2019 was also summed up. According to the current data, in the reporting period, the companies entered into more than 84 thousand grid connection agreements, and more than 82 thousand contracts were executed. The total connected capacity under the executed contracts exceeded 1,700 MW, the total revenue from the grid connection amounted to 2.6 billion rubles.

Last year, as part of the implementation of the Environmental Safety Program aimed at implementing the Environmental Policy of the electric grid complex, the companies performed 45 environmental protection measures in the regions of their activity. 84.5 million rubles were allocated for these purposes.

In turn, the results of the implementation of measures to curb non-metered and non-contractual electricity consumption for 2019 were summed up. In the course of large-scale raid work carried out by personnel of Distribution Zones and electricity metering departments of the companies’ branches, including jointly with the security unit’s experts and law enforcement agencies, 13,099 facts of illegal electricity consumption were revealed in the regions of the service area of Rosseti Centre and Rosseti Centre and Volga Region. The damage caused to the companies amounted to 919.02 million rubles. The power engineers took measures to compensate for the damage caused to the companies. On the facts of the illegal electricity consumption law enforcement agencies initiated 22 criminal and 4,325 administrative cases, 5 people were brought to criminal proceedings, 1,931 people to administrative responsibility. Two were convicted by a court verdict. The energy companies reimbursed 478.4 million rubles.

In 2019, the companies continued their systematic work to reduce receivables for electricity transmission services. One of its most effective areas is the claim-related activity. According to the recent data, at the end of 2019, the volume of claims of the companies satisfied by the courts amounted to 4.6 billion rubles, of which 3.5 billion rubles were claims on electricity suppliers of last resort in the regions. According to the decisions on the collection of overdue debts, 0.4 billion rubles were repaid (50% of the total amount that appears on the writ of execution). As of 1 January 2020, the total amount of receivables of Rosseti Centre and Rosseti Centre and Volga Region for electricity transmission services was 47.1 billion rubles, including 32.3 billion rubles in arrears, of which 29.1 billion rubles - overdue debts of the suppliers of last resort. The companies intend to consistently continue the work on their recovery. So, as of 1 January 2020, 1,240 cases were pending before the courts of various instances, initiated by the legal unit of Rosseti Centre and Rosseti Centre and Volga Region to collect debts in aggregate of 38.2 billion rubles, including 756 cases totalling claims of 37.4 billion rubles regarding the suppliers of last resort.

The implementation of the production programs of Rosseti Centre and Rosseti Centre and Volga Region made it possible to ensure the quality and reliability of power supply to consumers in 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and significantly contributed to uninterrupted and stable operation of the electric grid complex of the companies in these regions throughout the year.

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