Repair and restoration work at the Company’s Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is moving forward according to plan.
In order to complete works on establishing heated contour of the turbine room by October 15 contract has been signed with “Stalmontazh” (Krasnoyarsk) for supply of steel structures for reconstruction of faзade and the roof.
More than 2086 people and 64 pieces of equipment are currently involved in round-the-clock restoration work at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP.
Water inflow to the HPP’s dam is 2,700 cubic meters per second, and water is released through the spillway at a rate of 3055 cubic meters per second.
The level of the upper pool and the release of water through the hydro-engineering structures of the HPP fully comply with the water release regime that was recommended by the Angaro-Yenisei Basin Water Administration, adjusted in the current operating mode.
The level of the upper pool is currently 537.44 meters (regular level 539 meters), whereas the lower pool currently stands at 324.60 meters
At the Mainskaya HPP, hydro-units 1, 2 and 3 (with an aggregate 193 MW capacity) are in operation. The Mainskaya HPP upper pool level is 323.45 meters and 4 of the spillway gates are open.
Clearing of debris at the level of 310.0-327.0 continues, as well as restoration of roofing of the turbine rooms and assembling of steel structures. Disassembling of rotor of hydro-power unit GA 9 and dismantling of hydro-power unit GA7 are underway, the inspection of equipment for defects continues. Work is under way to restore the support column in the turbine room in the vicinity of hydro power unit GA 2.
Inspection of the direct current cable #2 of the turbine room is underway. The 0.4 KW shield of own needs is live as are 6 KW busbars of own needs Sh1, Sh2, Sh3, Sh4 and 2nd and section of control unit KRU R11. Control unit KRU P-T21 is live. Two substations 35/6 KW with capacity of 10 and 3.125 MBA for own needs have assembled and went live. Water has been brought up to the fire-extinguishing system on level 320.00 to GA8.