February 6, 2017. Moscow, Russia.
PJSC RusHydro (ticker symbol: MICEX-RTS, LSE: HYDR; OTCQX: RSHYY)
announces that open subscription to Company’s shares of additional
issue (state registration number 11-01-55038-Å-042D of December 7,
2016) starts on February 7, 2017.
Offers to purchase shares can be submitted within
8 business days from the date of publication of the invitation to
submit offers in the regulatory filing on Interfax wire and on the
Company’s website. RusHydro reserves the right to prolong the
period of accepting offers, providing that the end date of this
period is no later than 25 business days prior to expiration of a
1-year term since the date of the state registration of shares of
additional issue. In this case, RusHydro will notify of extension of
offers collection period.
The offers will be collected by RusHydro.
In accordance with p. 8.3 of the Decision on
additional issue of RusHydro’s shares, the Company reserves the
right to accept or decline received offers on its own discretion.
The invitation to submit offers is published on
the Company’s website:
RusHydro’s Board of Directors approved the increase of the
Company’s charter capital by issuing additional shares on November
22, 2016. Total amount of additional issue is RUB 40.429 bn, the
shares are placed through open subscription, the price of placement
is RUB 1 per share. The detailed information on additional issue of
shares is available at the Company’s website: