On 19 August, 2009, by resolution of the Acting Chairman of the Management Board of JSC RusHydro Vasily Zubakin, a Directorate was set up for elimination of the consequences of the accident. Chief Engineer of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP Andrey Mitrofanov has been appointed to take on the additional job of Head of the Directorate.
To combat the consequences of the accident, the holding company’s best power-repair, engineering and construction personnel are being mobilised. More than 400 specialists are being sent to the power station:
- ChirkeyGESstroy – 200 persons (general building specialties)
- Energostroy LTD. – 50 persons (turbine, generator and transformer-repair experts)
- Gidroremont – 50 persons (installation and concreting specialists)
- Turboremont – 40 persons (installation and turbine specialists)
- Elektroremont – 57 persons (generator experts, wiremen, specialists in repairing switchgear and transformers)