Igor Tolbin, Director of Penzaenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC (a member of Rosseti Group of Companies), took part in the regional conference on summing up the results of the contest "For the Quality Management prize of the Governor of Penza region" and the "100 best goods of Russia" Program. The event, dedicated to the World Quality Day, was held in Penza at the premises of the business incubator "Tatlin". In the frame of the conference, the organizers made a tour of the business incubator for the participants. Managers of large enterprises and organizations of Penza learned about the main directions of the site work and activities of some young entrepreneurs. After that, conference participants heard reports of representatives of some companies on the results of the Quality Management System implementation. The final part of the event was the awarding ceremony of laureates and prize winners of the contest "For the Quality Management prize of the Governor of Penza region". Penzaenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC, was marked in the category "B" (companies that are certified for Quality Management System, conducting self-assessment of their activities on formalized tables basis - questionnaires, provided by the contest committee) for high self-assessment results by the contest criteria of the Penza region government and recommendations of GOST R ISO 9004. The Award of Diploma winner was presented to Igor Tolbin, Director of Penzaenergo, by Valeri Bespalov, Deputy Head of Penza region Government.