To prepare for the forthcoming thunderstorm season, specialists of IDGC of Volga, JSC implement a package of activities that ensure reliable and fault-free operations of all electric power facilities. A set of scheduled measures included the analysis of the existing surge-voltage protection systems, visual inspections of lightning protection devices and surge-voltage protectors installed at switchgears of 35-110 kV substations, 35-110 kV overhead transmission lines and 6-10 kV distribution networks. Before the thunderstorm season, specialists will re-design the groundings schemes for the ground wires that were modified for de-icing purposes. When the soil is dry enough, specialists will measure resistance of grounding devices, check the condition of circuits between ground leads and groundable components of fuel and oil storage facilities. Maintenance staff is additionally briefed in safety procedures to be followed when detecting and eliminating faults and defects of overhead transmission lines and during any operations under induced voltages. Such preparations for the thunderstorm periods are essential for reliable and failure-free supply of electricity for all consumers, because the scheduled measures, if completed thoroughly and scrupulously, will minimize the risk that operations will be disrupted.