In the first half of 2012 anagement of safety of Penzaenergo has revealed 7 facts of criminal encroachment concerning on the equipment of an electric network complex objects of the branch Penzaenergo for the sum of 258,5 thousand roubles. So, in the territory of responsibility of the Penza production division malefactors stole two switches from substation Gidrostroydetal,and metal corners of brands 75/75 and 63/63 from anchor support of air-transmission lines 35/10 kV. In Kuznetsk Production division thieves has disassembled two transformer points has stolen 600 meters of a wire of the A-25 brand. Two facts of criminal encroachment of the electric network equipment complex o the branchf Penzaenergo branch were fixed in Serdobsky and Kamensk production divisions. Here unknown cut three wooden supports of air-line, stole 400 meters of wire of the A-35 brand, insulators were damaged as a result of attack from hunting. Criminal cases were brought following these facts. Now police officers with the assistance of specialists of Management of safety of Penzaenergo branch hold necessary operational search and investigatory events. Also during the weekly raids which are carried out by staff of Management of safety of Penzaenergo branch, in 6 months 2012 232 facts of the electric power plunder by contract-free consumption were revealed. The damage from these wrongful actions of legal entities and individuals made 3168,1 thousand roubles. So far as a result of criminal and administrative prosecution by violators 3009,2 thousand roubles were compensated.