The document on cooperation of the interregional distributive network company with the manufacturer of the electrotechnical equipment is signed during an exhibition «Electric power grids of Russia-2011». The goal of agreement is joint realization of the measures directed on the further introduction of modern vacuum switches of 110 kilovolt voltage in the branches of IDGC of Volga, JSC. Within the limits of the agreement IDGC of Volga plans to carry out the analysis of work and technical condition of maintained vacuum switches, to define requirements to the given kind of the electrotechnical equipment,as well as to its installation, service and operation. Scientific Industrial Company Contact, JSC is obliged to develop offers on the organization of maintenance service of the set as equipment in order to increase in the guarantee period and prolongation of term of its operation. Representatives of the manufacturer within the framework of the agreement plan to organise consultation of experts of IDGC of Volga, JSC, to give the information on operating experience of vacuum switches in other electronetwork companies, to inform on new product samples. According to the assistant to the chief engineer on technical development and Open Society operation «ÌÐÑÊ Volga» Sergey Astafev, the signed agreement will allow to accelerate process of introduction of vacuum switches of 110 kilovolt and to raise efficiency of their operation.