«Interregional distribution grid company of Volga», Joint stock company was included into the number of participants of the VIII-th Energy forum «Russian energy and fuel complex in the XXI-st century», which will start in Moscow in "Manezh", the Central Exhibition Hall on April, 8th. Organizers of the Forum are the Federation Council, the State Duma, the Department of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. For the period of its existence the forum has turned into one of the most representative platforms in Russia where questions of condition and development of a fuel and energy complex are discussed. Specialists from IDGC of Volga, JSC will take part in plenary discussion «World energy: post-crisis stage: new goals with the new regulation system». They will also discuss actual questions within the framework of several international conferences: «Strategic investments into Russia power industry », «Energy security in the XXI-st century global economy: new approaches», «The prospects of world energy saving experience usage in Russia». The information about the company will be presented at the exhibition stand. For participation in an exhibition which is passing in frameworks of a forum, were registered more than 40 exhibitors, among which - authorities of the Russian Federation subjects, manufacturers of the power and technical equipment, building, engineering and the energy power companies, scientific research organizations.