Rosseti Volga | February 6, 2009 |
IP- telephony came to the Ulyanovsk branch of «IDGC of Volga”, JSC
Setting of the new communication network based on IP-technology started in the regional electrical networks of «IDGC of Volga” JSC Branch - “Ulyanovsk distribution networks”. For the regional abonents IP-telephony is the reserve communication link along with the traditional telephone network providing the necessary quality of service. The new system is integrated with the automatic telephone system of the company and has the common numbering plan. Power engineering specialists of Ulyanovsk and Sengileevsk regions where the link has already functioning saw the true value of the innovation. “Power engineering specialists now have no problems “from where to call” at work,” – says Victor Armievsky – vice-chief of the Ulyanovsk Distribution Zone. – The quality of the connection has also improved since it doesn’t depend on the distance”. One of the main advantages of IP-telephony is the lower cost of communication service. Power-producing company has bought seven IP- gateways (devices for voice traffic broadcasting). In the nearest future they will be set in the electrical networks of Majnsky, Tsilninsky, Karsunsky and Sursky regions and will improve the safety of power supply of the village consumers.