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July 20, 2004

By Company Day "Uralkali"has reached a new production mark - 2.5 million tons of potassium chloride per six-month

A gala reward ceremony dedicated to Company Day and the 40th anniversary of the "Uralkali" production association took place in the company's Palace of Culture. Opening the ceremony company's Director General, Maxim Bakshinsky, announced a new achievement of the company - 2.5 million tons of potassium chloride had been produced during the first six months of 2004. Maxim Bakshinsky announced that the company intended to produce 5 million tons of potassium chloride in 2004. This indicator will surpass all the previously achieved marks: in 2002, for the first time in 10 years, "Uralkali" produced 4 million tons of potassium chloride, in 2003 - 4.4 million tons.

New goals require that company's employees work with the greatest efficiency possible. In 2004, to stimulate better productivity, the company adopted a Provision on competition of combine brigades and technological teams, "Working millions". According to this Provision, teams that will have achieved the greatest production results in 2004 will receive annual bonuses ranging from 200 to 600 thousand rubles.

Winners of the first six-month were announced on Company Day. They were combine brigades of Nikolay Dreyev (BKRU-4) and Vladimir Lampiyev (BKRU-2) and the technological team of Oleg Dudelev (BKRU-3). The "Honorary "Uralkali" Employee" title was bestowed upon five company's employees for their outstanding production achievements and multiyear commitment to the company. Honoring the best employees company's Director General, Maxim Bakshinsky, said: "Today our company boasts having a great number of remarkable laborers, those who are not discouraged by company's ambitious plans, who are willing to achieve and over-achieve production goals. Thanks to you "Uralkali" is developing rapidly and moving towards its primary goal - leadership in the world market of potassium".

"Uralkali" remains the primary city-forming enterprise in Berezniki. The taxes it pays constitute one third of the city budget. The company funds a variety of social and cultural projects, supports sports teams, health care institutions, schools, and assists in restoration of church buildings. On Company Day, for its contribution to stronger economy and better social climate in the city and region, "Uralkali" received a muniment from the Perm regional administration. The company also received a testimonial from the Perm diocese and the prioress of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky convent, Mother Ariadna, presented the company with an icon of the Savior, "in order for God to bless "Uralkali" in all of its good deeds".

Traditionally, on "Uralkali" Company Day, a sports festival and an athletic competition for the prize of the corporate newspaper, "Sol Zemli", take place at the "Agrokhim" stadium. Last year 11 teams took part in the competition. 14 teams from all "Uralkali" subdivisions took part in this year's competition which was conducted for the 28th time.

Festivities at the stadium brought together 180 sportsmen from among company's workers. In the course of six hours they took part in mini-football, volleyball, basketball, and quick chess competitions.

This year's Company Day was concluded on the square in front of the company's Palace of Culture with a "Sing, my soul" contest whose entrants competed in singing short verses about "Uralkali". The contest was announced in June. 57 authors from among "Uralkali" workers and veterans submitted their verses to jury's scrutiny. The final stage of the contest was held on Company Day - for three hours, on the square in front of the company's Palace of Culture, the finalists sang their mischievous and merry verses about their work and the company.




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