In 2003, Uralkali transported over 7 million tons of cargoes using it own rolling stock. Among the largest rolling stock operators in Russia Uralkali ranked second after OOO Baltransservice, a transport enterprise servicing the Tyumen Oil Company and Slavneft, but was ahead of the transport divisions of such large oil holdings as LUKOIL and YUKOS.. In April 2003, the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation granted Uralkali the status of an operator, as a reliable partner of the railway and owner of its own rolling stock.
"In recent years Uralkali has been actively increasing the volume of production and shipment of fertilizers and, accordingly, the expenses on their transportation are growing," says Maxim Bakshinsky, General Director of the company. "At present, the transport component of the company's products is as large as 50%. Therefore, one of the main tasks is to cut down the cost and raise the efficiency of cargo carriage."
To deal with this task Uralkali has formed a dispatcher division to manage its own rolling stock. A flexible carriage planning system has been introduced and strict control is exercised over the turnover of railway cars. The expansion of the repair base at Uralkali's car shop allowed car repairs to be carried out more quickly. Owing to all these measures in 2003 the company transported more products using less rolling stock. Compared to 2002 the number of railway cars leased from the Railway Ministry decreased by 55%.
"Uralkali is our reliable partner," notes Roman Saibalatov, Head of the Perm Division of the Sverdlovskaya Railway. "The company uses its own rolling stock and the rolling stock of the Railway. For us this is very important because Uralkali is a major consignor and its transportation requirements continue to increase."
In 2002, based on the results of the competition "Partner of the Year" the Sverdlovskaya Railway declared Uralkali to be "Best Consignor." In 2003, Uralkali was the winner in the category "Best Transport Partner." Uralkali and the Sverdlovskaya Railway have organized the exchange of information about the movement of cargoes on a real time basis. In addition to this, in 2003 the partners carried out a joint project - unification of the stations Balakhontsy, Zapolje Uralskoje, Kaliinaya and Berezniki-Sortirovochnaya. This made it possible to accelerate handling of the cars at the Berezniki junction and reduce the number of stations which handle only Uralkali's cargoes. As a result, the speed of shipment of the company's cargoes has significantly grown and the car turnover time decreased from 15 to 9 days.
In 2004, Uralkali plans to carry out several more important transport projects, which include further expansion of the repair base of its car shop, upgrading and acquisition of new rolling stock.