Uralsvyazinform revenues as of 9M2003 amounted to USD444,1 mln. (+ 31,0 % as compared to 9M2002), where revenues from telecommunication services reached USD399,1 mln. (+ 28,6%).
The revenue structure from telecommunication services as of 9M2003 is as follows: - Domestic and international long-distance telephony 45,7 % (47,3 % as of 9M 2002); - Urban telephony 33,4% (33,5 %); - Mobile telephony* - 11,1 % (7,8 %); - New telecommunication services (Internet, intelligent network, ISDN) 2,6 % (2,1 %); - Other services (TV and radio broadcasting, rural telephony and others) 7,2 % (9,3 %). * revenues from 100% owned business (GSM 900/1800, NMT 450i).
In the revenue breakdown by groups of users the share of revenues from residents accounts for 59 %, commercial organizations 34 %, budgetary organizations 7 %.
Operating expenses equaled USD318,0 mln. (+27,9 %). In general the expenses structure as of 9M2003 is as follows: - Wages 30,4 % (30,3 %); - Depreciation 14,1 % (14,0 %); - Taxes and deductions 9,7 % (11,6 %); - Others 45,8 % (44,1 %). - Including Rostelecom interconnect fees 13,0% (14,1 %);
Thus, by the results of 9M2003 EBITDA totaled USD170,9 mln. (+ 36,6 %), operating profit USD126,1 mln. (+ 39,6 %), pre-tax profit USD65,8 mln. (+ 94,4 %), net profit USD45,0 mln. (+ 110,0 %). The total volume of Capex as of 9M2003 equaled USD109,8 mln.
The number of employees as of 9M2003 decreased to 35,2 thous. people (-1,5 % as compared to 9M2002). The number of lines per employee amounted to 88,4 lines (+ 13,6 %).
The total subscribers number of fixed-line network as of October 1, 2003 amounted to 3,1 mln., 2,8 mln. of which represent urban network and 0,3 mln pertain to rural network. On the whole the average wire-line telephone penetration within the company is 20,0 %. As a result the ILD/DLD traffic equaled 1 430,6 mln. minutes, showing a 21,7 % increase as compared to the same period of the previous year. Internet traffic demonstrated a rise by 284,7 % and amounted to 104 238 932 mb.
The installed capacity of mobile networks as October 1, 2003 totaled 1,1 mln. numbers., showing an increase by 414,5 thous. numbers since the beginning of 2003 (+67,9 %).
The share held by consolidated company in the affiliated businesses, along with subscriber numbers is as follows:
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