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June 10, 2002

OJSC Sibirtelecom holds Annual General; Shareholders Meeting

OJSC Sibirtelecom held its Annual General; Shareholders Meeting in the city of Novosibirsk on June 7, 2002.  Regular shareholders and their authorized proxies entitled to attend the meeting represented 1,580,614,810 voting shares of th company, which give the right to cast votes on all issues under the scope of the general shareholders meeting, i.e. a total of 59.05% of the total number of voting shares.  

The following resolutions were passed at the annual general shareholders meeting: 

1.       To approve the annual financial statement, the annual accounting reports, including the company's profit and loss statement, allocation of profits and losses on results of fiscal 2001; 

2.        The amount of dividends to be paid out for 2001 are as follows: 

a)      Rub. 0.009318 for common shares;

b)      Rub  0.027954 for type A preferred shares  

Dividends are to be paid out in cash from July 1, 2002 until December 31, 2002 through the company's cash desks, departments and divisions or by bank transfer or postal order if requested by shareholders. 

3.       To appoint the Board of Directors as follows:  

·         ·         Bakalov
Valery Paneleevich

·         Dean of the Siberia State Telecom and IT University

·         ·         Baldenkov
Vadim Yurievich

·         Vice director of the Department of Corporate Governance, Finance and Direct Investments of OJSC Svyazinvest

·         ·         Bovkun
Yuri Vladimirovich

·         Director General of ZAO Inversiya

·         ·         Ermolich
Alexander Arkayevich

·         Vice director of the Department of Economics and Tariff Policy of OJSC Svyazinvest

·         ·         Lopatin
Alexander Vladimirovich

·         Vice Director General of OJSC Svyazinvest

·         ·         Nikulin
Anatoly Ivanovich

·         Director General of OJSC Sibirtelecom

·         ·         Pashkovsky
Vasily Fedorovich

·         First vice director general of OJSC Sibirtelecom

·         ·         Romsky
Georgy Alexeyevich

·         Vice director general of Svyazinvest

·         ·         Sheiffer
Alexander Andreyevich

·         Director of finance / chief accountant of OJSC Sibirtelecom

 4)The following appointments were made to the Audit Committee:

·         ·         Alekhin
Sergei Imanovich

·         Chief specialist of the Internal Audit Department of Svyazinvest

·         ·         Medvedeva
Laris Mikhailovna

·         Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Control of OJSC Sibirtelecom

·         ·         Podosinov
Sergei Vladimirovich

·         Chief specialist of the Internal Audit Department of Svyazinvest

·         ·         Prokofieva
Irina Viktorovna

·         Vice director / head of the Internal Audit Department of Svyazinvest

·         ·         Frolov
Kirill Viktorovich

·         Chief specialist of the Internal Audit Department of Svyazinvest

5) To approve the revised versions of the Charter,

6)      To approve the revised versions of the Statute and Rules for the Board of Directors,

7)      To approve the revised versions of the Supervisory Board,

8)      To approve the revised version of the Procedure for Holding the Annual General Shareholders Meeting,

9)      To approve the revised version of the Rules for the Audit Committee,

10)   To appoint Ernst & Young Vneshaudit as the company's official 2002 auditor,

11) To join ISKRA, the Association for Federal Telecom Service Operators, 

Following the annual general shareholders meeting a press briefing was held to discuss key items on the agenda.  

Those who took part in the briefing were:

A.I. Nikulin - director general of OJSC Sibirtelecom (Novosibirsk);

G.A. Romsky - - vice director general of OJSC Svyazinvest (Moscow);

A.A. Ermolich - vice director of the Department of Economic Forecasting and Strategic Planning of OAO Svyaznivest (Moscow);

S.M. Pirozhkov - head of Securities Department of OJSC Sibirtelecom (Novosibirsk);




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