OJSC Sevosetinelektrosvyaz held its annual general shareholders in the form of a joint quorum representing a total of 84.7% of the company's voting shares.
AGM attendees were as follows:
Members of the current Board of Directors:
- B.K. Kozhiev - CEO of OJSC Sevosetinelektrosvyaz;
- I.K. Kiryachenko - first vice CEO of OJSC Sevosetinelektrosvyaz;
- L.A. Korban - vice CEO of OJSC Sevosetinelektrosvyaz;
- E.N. Poyarkov - vice head of Security Department of Svyazinvest;
- A.V. Tishkov - director of VGTRTS a branch of OJSC Sevosetinelektrosvyaz;
Board of Director appointees:
- S.N. Kharchenko - director general of new technologies of OJSC Southern Telecommunications Company;
- L.V. Darchieva - chairman of Reskom telecom trade union;
Positive resolutions were passed for all 10 issues on the agenda. The second item on the agenda was passed with a 99.7% majority:
- to pay out dividends for 2001 as follows:
Rub 1.00 on common shares in cash no later than December 31, 2002;
Rub 1.43 on preferred shares in cash no later than December 31, 2002.
Based on the third item the following appointments were made to the Board of Directors:
- Vladimir L. Gorbachev - CEO of OJSC STC;
- Oleg V. Kashirin - leading specialist of DKU OJSC Svyazinvest;
- Beshtau K. Kanamatovich - director general of OJSC SOES
- Liudmila A. Korban - vice CEO of OJSC SOES;
- Evgeny N. Poyarkov - vice CEO of DB OJSC Svyazinvest;
- Sergey N. Kharchenko - vice CEO of OJSC STC;
Appointments to the Audit Committee: R.B. Bekoeva, S.N. Maiborod and Z.A. Tabolova.
ZAO Yunikon/MS Consulting Group was approved as the company's official 2002 auditor.
V.L. Gorbachev was appointed chairman of the Board of Directors, B.K. Kozhiev as vice chairman and T.Kh. Nagornova as secretary. The list of persons entitled to attend the shareholders meeting was compiled on April 20, 2002.