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February 19, 2003

OJSC Siberia Telecom: results of EGM voting

The final results have been tallied of the voting held at the extraordinary general shareholders meeting held on February 12, 2002.  The voting was held in absentia.  On February 12, 2003 Siberia Telecom held an EGM at which the following resolutions were passed:

1.      To approve the purchase and sale of 237,797 common nominal non-document shares of Eniseitelecom, which represent 49% of the charter capital of Eniseitelecom, for the ruble equivalent of $US 12,500,000 effective on the payment date in accordance with the terms of the purchase/sales contract concluded between Siberia Telecom and Russian Telecommunications Development Holding Corporation.  

The results of the voting on the first issue were as follows: for - 3,628,328,533 votes (61.24%), against - 32,094,380 votes (0.54%), abstained - 12,194,276 votes (0.21%). 

2.      To approve the purchase and sales of 490 common nominal non-document shares of Baikalvestcom, which represent 49% of the charter capital of Baikalvestcom, for the ruble equivalent of $US 8.5 million effective on the date of payment in accordance with the terms of the purchase/sales contract concluded between Siberia Telecom and Russian Telecommunications Development Holding Corporation.  

The results of the voting on the first issue were as follows: for - 3,625,594,092 votes (61.19%), against - 31,599,893 votes (0.53%), abstained - 12,808,042 votes (0.22%). 

The list of individuals eligible to vote at the extraordinary shareholders meeting was compiled based on the shareholders roster of Siberia Telecom as of December 25, 2002. On the effective date for individuals eligible to vote at the extraordinary general shareholders meeting, the company's common shares amounted to 12,011,401,829.  The number of votes held by individuals shown on the above list and entitled to take part in the extraordinary general shareholders meeting, and who were not interested in the company performing the transaction was 5,924,800,157.  

In accordance with Russian legislation, the purchase/sale transactions involving 49% of the shares in Eniseitelecom and 49% of the shares in Baikalvestcom between Siberia Telecom and Russian Telecommunications Development Holding Corporation are considered related party transactions (RTDHC is a subsidiary of RTK Leasing, which is affiliated with Svyazinvest). As a related party in the deal, Svyazinvest did not take part in the voting.




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