On December 18, 2003international corporation Dun & Bradstreet assigned North West Telecom a 5A2 credit rating as per the company’s year-end 2003 results.
According to the international classification rating, Dun & Bradstreet’s 5A2 rating is the highest indicator of creditworthiness for Russian companies.
The 5A2 rating assigned to North West Telecom is in line with the company’s financial capacity, which is over USD 60 million. The risk level of North West Telecom is estimated at level 2 (low risk), which reflects the company’s good creditworthiness.
According to the deputy general director and head of corporate governance of North West Telecom, N.G. Bredkov, the assignment of Dun & Bradstreet’s rating is further evidence of North West Telecom’s commitment to principles of information transparency, which allows investors to adopt sound decisions by investing in he company’s securities.