According to its business plan for 2006 the Company will produce 67.1 mn tons of oil and 15.2 bcm of gas.
OJSC “Surgutneftegas” is planning to increase gas processing and oil refining volumes to 4.8 bcm and 19.7 mn tons respectively. Oil products output is projected to reach 18.7 mn tons.
This year the company is going to drill 3,155.8 thousand meters of rock including 30.8 thousand meters in Yakutia.
We intend to commission three new fields and to construct 934 new wells along with pipelines and power transmission lines covering 1455 km and 605 km correspondingly. In 2006 the Company plans to construct seven initial water separation units and four gas turbine power stations.
It is projected that capital investment in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) will total 5,300 mn RUR.
OJSC “Surgutneftegas” is planning to perform a considerable scope of construction and assembly work as well as to invest RUR 15,676 mn to further carry out the deep refining complex construction project.
According to our forecasts total investments will amount to RUR 69,155 mn.