MOSCOW, Russia– April 12, 2012 – JSC SITRONICS (LSE: SITR), a leading provider of telecommunications, information technology and microelectronic solutions in Russia and the CIS, today announced that its Board of Directors has set June 28, 2012 as a date for the Annual General Meeting of SITRONICS’ Shareholders (“AGM”).
AGM will take place at 3.00 pm Moscow time at the following address: 10, 8th of March St., bld. 1, Moscow, Russia.
Shareholders registered at the record date of May 15, 2012 will be eligible to participate and vote at the meeting.
In addition, the Board of Directors decided that AGM Agenda, form and text of the voting ballot, text of the shareholder notice, and the list of information materials provided to shareholders will be approved on May 25, 2012, at the latest.
Further information with regard to AGM and other related issues will be available on the Group’s website at