Rostelecom’s representatives attended the 32nd session of the Board of the Communications Administrations (CAs) Heads of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications (RCC) and the 6th meeting of the Coordination Council for Informatization of the CIS countries attached to the RCC held in Minsk on December 13-14, 2004.
Among the participants there were the Minister for Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation Leonid Reiman as well as the representatives of Communications Administrations from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and also the ones of the RCC Executive Committee.

The issues discussed included: on realization of the CIS countries cooperation strategy in the field of informatization and the Interstate program of creating the network of info-marketing centres for promoting products and services to the national markets of the CIS member countries – for the period up to 2005; on the CIS countries cooperation while creating the information systems of passport and visa control, including the usage of biometrics; on realization of the projects of creating the networks of shared access to the Internet in the CIS countries.

The participants also considered the agenda items as follows: the creation of the RCC working body for the regulation in the field of communications, CIS countries telecoms market liberalization: goals, current situation, development, and others.
The RCC Communications Administrations shared experience as for the government regulation of communications tariffs and the reduction of cross-subsidies in the sector. |