Rosneft and Irkutsk Region signed a cooperation agreement at XXI St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The document was signed by Rosneft Chief Executive Officer Igor Sechin and Governor of Irkutsk Region Sergey Levchenko.
The document provides for cooperation between the Parties in implementing a series of joint programs in the area of industrial, financial, investment and social development. Under the agreement, the Company will gratuitously transfer to Bokhan settlement of Irkutsk Region a land plot for construction of an Orthodox Church.
Rosneft traditionally implements the projects aimed to support and revive spiritual legacy every year allocating significant funds for this purpose. In 2014 – 2016 the funds were released for implementation of more than 50 projects related to construction, repair and reconstruction of orthodox temples.
Notes for editors:
All business lines of Rosneft are represented at the territory of Irkutsk Region: oil and gas production, refining and sales. Major subsidiaries of Rosneft – Verkhnechonskneftegaz, Angarsk Petrochemical Company, Angarsk Polymer Plant, and Irkutsknefteprodukt operate in the region.
The agreement on social and economic cooperation between the Government of Irkutsk Region and Rosneft was signed in June 2015. The agreement is aimed at creating beneficial economic, legal and organizational framework for integrated development of Irkutsk Region and allows Rosneft to efficiently operate at the territory of the region.
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