Rosneft and the Alliance Group have finalized a deal involving Rosneft’s acquisition from the Alliance Oil Company (part of the Alliance Group) of 97.51% in the charter capital (1,271,385 common registered shares) of Nakhodkinsky Neftenalivnoy Morskoy Torgovy Port (the Nakhodka Oil-Loading Commercial Harbor).
The Nakhodka oil harbor is located in the Novitsky bay on the Western bank of the Nakhodka Gulf and is the largest specialist commercial seaport on Russia’s Pacific coast. The oil harbor is open for navigation all year-round and does not require ships to be accompanied by ice-breakers during the winter months.
In 2005, the Nakhodka oil harbor shipped around 6 million tons of oil products and serviced over 1,000 vessels.
The Nakhodka oil harbor comprises one of the links in the single technological and infrastructure chain for Rosneft’s storage and transshipment of oil products. With its acquisition of the Nakhodka oil harbor, Rosneft has therefore completed the establishment in Nakhodka Bay of a single self-contained industrial complex, one of the largest not only in the Far East, but throughout Russia.