Moscow, June 2, 2004 – OAO RBC Information Systems (RTS, MICEX: RBCI) has been assigned the national corporate governance rating of B++ for the first six months of 2004. The rating is administered by the Russian Institute of Directors and the Expert rating agency. In the opinion of the authors of the rating, investments in companies from this category offer the optimal risk/reward ratio for investors. According to the rating list, in terms of corporate governance standards, RBC is ahead of such companies as RAO UES of Russia, Aeroflot-Russian Airlines and Wimm-Bill-Dann.
“We are convinced that this event will enhance RBC’s investment attractiveness,” said German Kaplun, the Chairman of OAO RBC Information Systems.
The rating is an integral rank, taking into account the following criteria: rights of shareholders, activities of governing bodies, disclosure of information, protection of the
interests of other interested parties, and corporate social responsibility. During the preparation of the rating list, corporate governance practices of a company are
compared to the respective provisions of Russian law, recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code and advanced corporate governance standards formulated
by portfolio investors and organizations that represent their interests.
This project is implemented under the aegis of the National Council for Corporate Governance.
Investor contact: Natalia Makeeva
Tel: + 7 095 363 1111, E-mail:
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