In 2004 PRISCO tankers transported 13,725,000 tons of liquid cargoes which is 27% more than in 2003 record year for the whole PRISCO history when there were transported 10,794,000 tons of cargoes. Domestic fleet tankers delivered 2,439,000 tons of cargoes to the customers which is 3.9% more than in 2003 when there were transported 2,348,000 tons. Cabotage transportations are 448,700 tons, export – 948,700 tons, delivery between foreign ports – 1,420,000 tons. In 2004 offshore fleet tankers transported 11,286,000 tons of cargoes mainly between foreign ports. Main contribution to the increase of PRISCO transportation volumes was made by m/t “Primorye” of 100,000 tons dwt. transported 1,969,000 tons which is 14% of the total volume. Large tonnage tankers “Governor Farkhutdinov” and “Sakhalin Island” of 108,000 tons dwt each entered PRISCO fleet in May and September delivered more than 2mln. tons of cargoes. Share of three Aframaxes is 30% of the total volume of PRISCO cargoes. In 2004 PRISCO vessels transported 2,720,000 tons of Sakhalin oil which is 663,000 tons or 47% more than last year. Offshore fleet delivered 1,717,000 tons, domestic fleet delivered 355,000 tons of hydrocarbon raw materials. M/t “Primorye” exported 1,174,000 tons of Island oil from Vitiaz Marine Terminal for 12 voyages. PRISCO vessels transported 898,000 tons of oil which is 119,000 tons or 15% more than in 2003. Share of Sakhalin oil in the total volume of PRISCO transportation is 15% which is 1.9% more than in 2003. Based on the preliminary estimate financial results of PRISCO for 2004 have achieved the planned figures both for offshore and domestic fleet. As of January 1, 2005 PRISCO fleet consists of 40 tankers with total dwt. about 940,000 tons. Last year two Aframaxes entered Company fleet, PRISCO signed Contracts for building of two Suezmax type vessels of 166,000 tons dwt. each.