For 10 months of 2004 PRISCO vessels have transported 11,376,000 tons which is 5.4% more than for the whole year 2003 – record for company year when there were transported 10,794,000 tons of liquid cargoes and it was the best result for whole PRISCO history. 10 months results of 2004 increased the same last year results for 12,6%, when there were delivered 9,011,000 tons to the ports. For 10 months of this year domestic fleet tankers have transported 1,981,000 tons of oil products against 2,110,000 tons for the same period of 2003. The main reason of corporate transportation increase is the increase of bulk-oil transportation rates by offshore PRISCO tankers and operation of two new large-tonnage tankers of 108,000 tons dwt.: m/t“Governor Farkhutdinov” (entered PRISCO fleet in September 2004, made only two voyages) and m/t “Sakhalin Island” (has transported nearly one million of oil and oil products from May). One more PRISCO tanker “Primorye” of 105,000 tons dwt. for 10 months of 2004 has transported 1,697,000 tons against 788,900 tons of the same period of 2003.