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September 20, 2004

By the resolution of Russia’s Federal tariff service the tariffs for electric communication services for OJSC “VolgaTelecom” subscribers are changed since October 1, 2004

Nizhny Novgorod, September 2004: According to the order of the Federal tariff service of Russian Federation dated of 14.09.2004  N  73-?/2,  the tariffs for local telephone connections (monthly subscriber’s fee), provided by OJSC “VolgaTelecom” to the residential sector and organizations, are changed beginning from October 1, 2004. The new tariffs will be valid on the entire territory of OJSC “VolgaTelecom” activity. The limit tariffs for providing access (telephone installation) are not changed.

The prices are increased in accordance with RF Government resolution of October 11, 2001 ? 715, which stipulates increasing the tariffs for telecommunication services up to the level of their recoupment.

The prices for telecommunication services will be increased in all regions of Russia. The price increase was caused by increased prices for the services and production, which are indispensable for the telecommunication industry functioning (electric energy, cables, spare parts, rental of premises). Since 2003 the prices for telecommunication services were not changed, which resulted in the fact that the prime cost of local telecommunication services rendering was higher than the tariffs for them.  

Upon average OJSC “VolgaTelecom” tariffs for the residential sector were increased  by 26,2 percent (by comparison:  for OJSC “CenterTelecom” the increase amounted to 36,5%, for OJSC “North-West Telecom”  – 33,3%,  in the north - from 38,5 up to  50%). For organizations the increase will amount to 30,1%.

Tariffs for providing local telephone connection 

Current tariff rate 

New tariff (since October 01, 2004.)

Kirov branch 

110 rubles

145 rubles

Branch in the Republic of Maryi El

115 rubles

145 rubles

Branch in the Republic of Mordoviya

120 rubles

150 rubles

Nizhny Novgorod branch 

130 rubles

160 rubles

Orenburg branch 

115 rubles

145 rubles

Penza branch 

110 rubles

145 rubles

Samara branch

120 rubles

160 rubles

Saratov branch

130 rubles

160 rubles

Branch in the Republic of Udmurtiya 

120 rubles

150 rubles

Ulyanovsk branch 

120 rubles

150 rubles

Branch in the Republic of Chuvashiya 

110 rubles

145 rubles

Note:  tariffs for the residential sector include value-added tax.

All allowances for providing local telephone connection and telephone network access are retained!

Besides, according to “Telecommunication development concept” adopted by RF Government in 2000, OJSC “VolgaTelecom” carries out DLD services tariff balancing in respect of customer categories. As the result, since October 1, 2004 DLD tariffs will be reduced in 5 branches of OJSC “VolgaTelecom”.




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