A regular session of the Scientific and Technical Council of IDGC of the North-West, JSC chaired by Deputy Chief Engineer Gennady Aleksandrov took place in Karelia. The technical managers of the company and its seven branches discussed the main tasks of preparation for operation during the 2012/2013 autumn-and-winter period. Among the issues requiring closer attention the feeding centers capacity deficit was noted. Currently, 79 out of the 1144 feeding centers of IDGC of the North-West are shut down. For relief of load on the feeding centers 2012 investment program stipulates reconstruction of four 110 kV substations and six 35 kV substations, their capacities to be increased by 74.4 MVA and 40.8 MVA respectively. Komienergo has been the first branch of IDGC of the North-West to construct 10 kV overhead lines on polyhedral metal poles which has enabled increase of spans and reduction of the number of poles. These supports have best performance in terms of service life duration, minimum 60 years. Construction of overhead lines on polyhedral poles is planned to be further adopted by other branches of IDGC of the North-West. The works undertaken by Komienergo branch for measurement of induced voltage values on 6-220 kV overhead lines within the area of influence of overhead lines with voltage equal to 35 kV and more have resulted in the conclusion that the currently available methodological guidelines for determination of levels of induced voltage on overhead lines required further finalization. One has decided to perform work for elaboration of scientific and technical documentation within the framework of R&D activities in 2013. Currently, notifications of arrangement of competitive negotiations on six R&D projects have been published. In 2012 one patent is planned to be obtained, and two more in 2013. The next session of the Scientific and Technical Council of IDGC of the North-West has been scheduled for Q4 2012.