Based thereon, investment programs of electric power industry actors will be elaborated and demand for power determined for competitive power output. Based thereon, investment programs of electric power industry actors will be elaborated and demand for power determined for competitive power output. According to the Scheme and Program, estimated total demand for electric energy in 2018 will make some 1,175.3 bln kWh which exceeds 2011 electric energy consumption by 175.2 bln kWh (approximately 17.5% growth). The average annual growth in demand for electric energy until the end of the forecast period is expected to be 2.3 %. The total capacity of generation facilities to be commissioned is 40,109 MW including NPPs 12,315 MW, HPPs + PSPPs 4,810 MW and TPPs 22,984 MW. Maximum consumption of power within the unified energy system of Russia in 2012 is forecast to be 154.2 GW (for the conditions of long-time average annual temperature of passage through peak consumption); in 2018 it is forecast to make approximately 177 GW which corresponds to an average annual rate of load increment in 2012-2018 amounting to some 2.6 %. The expected dynamics of electric energy consumption and generating capacities commissioning will completely cover the power balance of the unified energy system during the period of 2012-2018. The Scheme and Program for development of the unified energy system of Russia in 2011-2017 have ceased to be in effect since the document approval moment.