The switch to the RAB –based tariff system will be made 01 January 2011.
30 November 2010 , the switch to the RAB –based tariff system of the IDGC North-West’s branches “ Pskovenergo” and “Vologdaenergo” was approved by Federal Tariff Service .
iRAB for “Pskovenergo” is 6 494 mln. Rub, for «Vologdaenergo» – 10 935 mln.Rub. In the frames of the switch to the RAB –based tariff system , long-term investment programs ( 5 years) were approved Investment program 2011-2015 of “Pskovenergo” is 7 465 mln.Rub, “Vologdaenergo”– 11 025mln.Rub
Rate of return for the both branches is – 12% for 2011-2012, 11% for 2013-2015 .
The switch to the RAB –based tariff system will be made 01 January 2011.
“Novgorogenergo” was the first branch of IDGC North-West , which switched to the RAB-based tariff system on 01 January 2010.