These data will be considered at a selection of suppliers during the purchasing procedures.
According to the decision of the Scientific and Technical Council of IDGC of North-West, the company will compile the list of the firms manufacturing and delivering poor-quality equipment for the grid complex.
This became possible owing to the analysis of the reasons of damages in operation of the equipment in branches of IDGC of North-West. "We are aimed to generalize claims on quality of electrical products, to compile the list of manufacturers known to receive the greatest quantity of complaints, and we recommend our purchases department that they should take this information into consideration when summing up the results of the equipment delivery competitions," the Chief of the Service for Organization and Maintenance of Grid Complex of IDGC of North-West Vladimir Voiloshnikov said (at the left on the photo).
The information collected in practical work on the equipment defects through the manufacturer enterprise's fault will help to be guided by a "price-quality" optimum balance at carrying out of tenders which are regularly held by IDGC of North-West and its branches.