Attraction of airpower for troubleshooting in the grid and delivery of the personnel to the place of repair or reconstruction works considerably reduces terms of liquidation of off-normal situations.
The first company of JSC IDGC of the North-West to use experience in application of aviation patrolling of transmission lines on terms of the permanent treaty with aviation enterprises was JSC Pskovenergo. This practice became especially effective at off-normal situations liquidation connected with emergency switching-off, or caused by natural hazards. Pilots helped the powermen to trace fault places, to transport people, materials and small reserve power supplies. Thus, time for full liquidation of emergency switching-off and uninterruptable power reconstruction was reduced several times.
The management company recommended that all grid enterprises of the zone of IDGC of the North-West's responsibility should apply experience of Pskovenergo. For today the distribution grid companies of IDGC of the North-West's responsibility work under the contract with nine aviation enterprises in the territory of the region.
These are Ukhta branch of Gazpromavia, Komiavtotrans Federal State Unitary Enterprise in Komi, Lukiavtotrans Ltd. in the Pskov area. Karelian powermen involve forces of the North-West base of aviation protection of woods; Novgorodenergo use services of aviation sports club named after Kaberov. Arkhangelsk powermen concluded three contracts with pilots: Ukhta branch of Gazprom Aviation Enterprise, JSC 2nd Arkhangelsk Incorporated Aviation Group, and JSC Vologda Aviation Enterprise. Kola powermen work under the contract concluded with Murmansk aviation enterprise.
MI-2 and ĢI-8 helicopters are mainly used for fly-around of transmission lines. According to the concluded contracts, the flights can be made both on the territory of the North-West district transport, and on the territory of other regional administrations. During passing of peak of winter loadings, the distribution network companies in the zone of IDGC of the North-West's responsibility use all available forces and means for maintenance of uninterruptable reliable power supply of consumers.
Powermen have worked out the precise plan of interaction with contract organizations, enterprises of housing and communal services, forces of civil defence; local authorities in case of emergencies. Joint training was held; necessary contracts and agreements were signed.