On December, 16 chief Kujbyshev Railway V.Lemeshko and the Prime minister of republic Tatarstan R.Minnikhanov have signed the Agreement on interaction and cooperation for 2005 between Kujbyshev Railway - branch of JSC "Russian Railways" and the Government of Republic Tatarstan, - have informed correspondent IA REGNUM-VolgaInform in service on public relations Kujbyshev Railway. The purpose of the Agreement is - maintenance of full satisfaction of demand on passenger and freight traffic in territory of republic Tatarstan; maintenance of steady work of JSC "Russian Railways" and ñáàëàíñèðîâàíèå interests of republic and company "Russian Railways" in industrial, financial, investment and other fields of activity. In a zone of responsibility Kujbyshev Railway in republic Tatarstan, there are large industrial enterprises: JSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim", JSC "Nizhnekamskshina", JSC "KAMAZ" and many others. The parties which have concluded the given Agreement, undertake to provide in common passenger and cargo rail transportation in the zone to the East of Kama Tatarstan, to make repair and reconstruction of railway crossings with financing in equal shares. The basic cargoes transported by Nizhnekamsk representation Kujbyshev Railway in Tatarstan are petrocargoes, chemicals and soda, a breakage of ferrous metals, building cargoes and a grain. For 11 months 2004 the operational turnover of goods in Nizhnekamsk representation KbshZhD has increased by 12,1 % in relation to the similar period of the last year and has made 3319 million kilometer-tons. Dear a number{line} of works on reconstruction of railway station and passenger platforms at station Bugulma for the sum 2,4 million rubblesis executed. The tax obligations taken on Kujbyshev Railway, are completely carried out. For 11 months 2004 in the budget of republic Tatarstan it is brought 157,5 million rubles. Debts on the current payments are not present.