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December 27, 2019

Board of Directors of Rosseti approved the development strategy of the Group of Companies until 2030

On December 26, the Board of Directors of Rosseti, chaired by Alexander Novak, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, approved a new strategy of the holding that defines the goals and directions for the development of the Group of Companies.

The key difference from the previous strategy is the transition to a business model of modern innovation infrastructure.

The strategic priorities of the company included ensuring the further improvement of operational and investment efficiency, aimed at developing the industry, ensuring reliability, high quality and access to infrastructure in the new digital environment. Special attention is paid to maintaining a balance of interests of all parties, including the state, consumers, shareholders, investors, as well as the development of new areas of business (non-tariff services).

Improvement of reliability and quality of power supply will not be provided by developing the material and technical resources but by changing the logic of business processes. In addition, technologies that enable workers to receive and analyze information on all processes in real-time will be introduced. This enables us to move from measures to eliminate consequences of power system disturbances to their prevention and timely localization, due to which time will be reduced and the efficiency of decision-making on network infrastructure management will be increased.

The strategy was created in the development of the main state documents of the strategic planning - strategy of the spatial development of the Russian Federation, the development strategy of the electric grid complex of the Russian Federation and others. The strategy of Rosseti fully meets the current trends and challenges of the electricity market.

“While working on a draft of the new development strategy until 2030, we understand all responsibilities to the state, consumers, shareholders and potential investors. Therefore, we tried to take into account the uniqueness of the functioning of Rosseti on the one hand, as a public joint-stock company, on the other hand, providing a company infrastructure. We are aimed at providing a further increase in the efficiency of the main business and its resistance to global changes in the electricity market. Within the framework of the strategy, initiatives will be implemented that will enable us to reach a new level of technological and innovation development, including through the development of new areas of business, to develop human resources, and to contribute to the economic growth of the Russian Federation. Management will make every effort to achieve the performance targets of strategies,” Pavel Livinskiy, Director General of Rosseti, noted.

The company plans to achieve its goals through 10 main areas: technological and innovative development, digital transformation, business diversification, increasing operational and investment efficiency, promoting legislative initiatives, developing international activities and human resources, and others.

The strategy through the key indicators of its implementation also sets the target results that the company plans to achieve by 2030 and determined the principles and approaches to achieve these indicators. Costs for the implementation of the main areas will be provided in separate programs, subject to approval by the Boards of Directors.




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