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September 4, 2018

Pavel Livinskiy showed Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev the effects of digital grids implementation on the existing example

On September 4, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev visited the first power distribution zone in the Moscow region. During his business trip, the Prime Minister was accompanied by Minister of Energy of Russia  Alexander Novak, and Governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov.

Effects from the implementation of a new digital power distribution zone located on the territory of the Sloboda substation in the Istra district were demonstrated to the members of the delegation by Director General of PJSC ROSSETI, Pavel Livinskiy.
"This is a pilot project for the Moscow region," the Head of PJSC ROSSETI said during the inspection of the facility. - The power distribution zone allows remote control of the grid and electrical equipment in real time, continuous monitoring of the parameters of the transmission and consumption of electricity, has self–diagnosis functions, and the software management complex - a function of self-learning, allowing the use of Big Data technology, based on forecasting models, to accumulate and analyze data on the places of probable damage in the grid and the most effective schemes for their elimination and reservation," - Pavel Livinskiy emphasized.
All the necessary information is converted into a digital signal and displayed on a modern instrument board, which was presented to Dmitry Medvedev and members of the delegation. Mr. Livinskiy noted that earlier the identification and selection of the damaged portion of the crews took up to 2 hours, during which the consumers were without light, but today after full implementation of the project, the detection of problems and the transfer of consumers to a backup power circuit will require a few minutes.

An example of such work was demonstrated to the Prime Minister by the dispatchers of the center on the example of a modeled technological violation. 

"Digit" is not just reliability, but also financial efficiency. We expect that economic effect from the transition to digital power distribution zone will exceed 224 million rubles per year. It is real to reach these results due to decreasing of costs for optimizing the operating modes of the equipment, reducing losses and costs for maintenance and operation. And this is just one distribution zone!", - Pavel Livinskiy emphasized.

During the excursion around the power center "Sloboda", the delegation members also visited the hall, where was installed a complete switchgear with SF6 gas insulation 220 and 110 kV, intended for receiving and distributing electric power to the substation. The use of SF6 gas as an insulating medium gives this equipment a number of advantages: safety for personnel, increased reliability, compactness, fire and explosion safety. 

Pavel Livinskiy noted that within the framework of the "Digital power distribution zone" project, special attention will be paid to the installation of smart metering devices that will allow power engineers to monitor the real consumption of electricity automatically. In addition, the implementation of the "Digital Electrician" project will be integrated in the "Digital power distribution zone" project. It involves the provision of emergency recovery teams equipped with mobile devices with special software. It will allow power engineers to receive tasks for the execution of works remotely, to obtain the necessary permits and approvals in electronic form, to record the fact of the beginning and the end of the work. With the help of the mobile device, it will be possible to take photos of the defects of equipment and quickly place information about them in the database in order to speed up the organization of work on the elimination of the defects. Dispatchers and managers will be able to see the location of the teams on the electronic map, which will allow assigning emergency orders to the brigades closest to the place of technological violation.

"Less than a year ago, we declared digitalization as the basis for innovative development of the electric grid complex. Today I can state that digital solutions are being actively implemented at our facilities in a number of subjects. The "Pilot" project, which we have seen today at the substation "Sloboda", is the first, but very important step towards the creation of a digital power grid infrastructure of the Moscow region", - Pavel Livinskiy reported to the Prime Minister.

Work on the creation of a digital power distribution zone was started in July 2018 and will have been fully completed by the end of 2019. The Istra district was not chosen for the implementation of the pilot project at random: it is one of the most densely populated (320 thousand people) and dynamically developing area in the Moscow region.




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