Pavel Livinskiy, Director General of ROSSETI, participated in the panel discussion "Digital Transformation of Russian Power Industry: Ready to Challendges and Open to Opportunities" that have been held today within the the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018.
The first interim results of applying digital technologies at power grid by ROSSETI Group as exemplified in the Kaliningrad and the Novgorod regions were presented during the discussion.
Welcoming the session participants, Pavel Livinskiy noted the trend of progressive transformation of the grid infrastructure. "All our subsidiary companies at local levels are preparing digitalization models based on regional objectives.
Our pilot projects are the Kaliningrad and the Novgorod regions the best practices of which will be replicated all over the country."
Mr. Livinskiy specified that there is a unification of technical solutions for subsequent use of the proven methods held at the moment.
Anton Alikhanov, Governor of the Kaliningrad Region, reported on achievements of automation process that has become a platform for innovations. "Collaborating with ROSSETI we have gained the unique experience. Owing to digital networks, we have already increased the observability and controllability of power supply and have automated all the processes. Our monitoring system is showing impressive results. In particular, we have managed to reduce the time for post-accident recovery fivefold."
In addition, Mr. Alikhanov acknowledged success of electric power losses and the development of smart system of accounting to prevent energy theft in the grids. "I hope these two digital power distribution zones will facilitate the development in other regions. And the further development will provide opportunities not only for the energy men but also for manufacturers," Mr. Alikhanov added.
Andrey Nikitin, Governor of Novgorod Region, in his turn, shared the effects of digitalization of Valday power distribution zone.
"A representative of any region can come to Valdai and see how it works and then implement that in their region. I'm convinced that it's time for the Russian constituent territories to support ROSSETI in implementation of this nationwide initiative. Due to the efforts which are being made nowadays, we can create a huge data array and new services that might be used in other industries", Mr. Nikitin pointed out.
Yury Lipatov, Deputy Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, also supported the ROSSETI's initiatives having addressed the topic issue of the non-used grid capacity that the companies of ROSSETI Group provide according to consumers requests . "It is necessary to stimulate large manufacturers owning among other things large reserves inherited from the Soviet time to have responsible and sound attitude to energy consumption. I hope that the proposals needed for regulatory network in this part will be established and successfully get through in the Government", pointed out the member of the Federation Council.