Following the results of 9 months of 2017, the company that manages the largest in Russia electric grid complex is "Rosseti" (LSE: RSTI) in accordance with the Russian accounting standards received a net profit of 7.3 billion rubles with revenue of 25.6 billion rubles. At the same time net profit without taking into account the revaluation of financial investments amounted to 24.1 billion rubles, which is 2 billion rubles higher than the level of the same indicator in the comparable period of 2016. Receiving net profit allowed to increase the value of net active assets and bring this figure to a level much higher than the registered capital. Thus, net assets for the reporting period amounted to 388.7 billion rubles, which is more than the cost of the registered capital by 187.8 billion rubles. The indicators for the 9 months of 2017 indicate a stable financial condition of the Company