IDGC Holding's ordinary shares were included in calculation bases of MICEX – Power Energy Index (MICEX PWR) and MICEX – Standard Capitalization Index (MICEX MC) for the 1st quarter of 2009.
Since IDGC Holding's ordinary shares began to be traded on MICEX on January 9, 2008, they have displayed stable liquidity and capitalization rates, which are the key criteria for securities to be included in MICEX stock indices.
IDGC Holding is one of the three issuers representing the interregional distribution grid sector in the MICEX PWR calculation base, comprising a total of 18 securities. The weight of IDGC Holding's shares in the MICEX PWR calculation base, to become applicable on January 26, 2009, will be calculated by MICEX on the base of the January 22 share prices. The MICEX MC calculation base has been applied since January 15, 2009. The utilities whose shares form the MICEX MC calculation base include Federal Grid Company, RusHydro, Mosenergo, MOESK, ÎGK-3 and ÎGK-5. The weight of IDGC Holding's shares is 4.19% as of January 19, 2009.
MICEX PWR and MICEX MC are price-weighted and market capitalization weighted indices of the most liquid shares in the electric power industry and shares of mid-cap companies, respectively, traded on MICEX.