JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” has held the uniform presentation day for specialists of electric grids administration, services of isolation, protection from overvoltage and testing of high-voltage equipment. The purpose of the presentation day is acquaintance with new technologies and developments of the enterprises working in the power sector, creation of the own bank of innovations. The action hosted the representatives of seven companies who attend high-voltage lines and deliver high-voltage equipment, which is maintained by JSC “MOESK”. They include LLC “Elegazenergoservis”, LLC “ABB”, LLC “Energobezopasnost”, LLC “Bolid”, LLC “NPP Contact”, etc. Each company presented its products or services. The audience of listeners was represented by the specialists of the technical block of the executive body and grid branches of JSC “MOESK”. The attendees got acquainted with the newest solutions for maintenance cost reduction and scheduled repairs of transformers, new types of breakers and other equipment and features of its operation. The services on technical inspection and certification of energy facilities, safety of equipment operation were presented in detail. The experience in carrying out of the uniform corporate presentation day in JSC “MOESK” and huge interest of manufacturers in this action evidently confirm that the new format of dialogue offered in the company is always a constructive, interested dialogue of professionals with effective feedback. JSC “MOESK” is the largest interregional distribution grid company of Russia maintains more than 600 high-voltage feeding centers of 35/110/220 kV in voltage. The total number of distribution and transformer substations exceeds 30 thousand.