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Rosseti Moscow Region

April 22, 2011

Western Electric Grids sum up technological connection work for three months of 2011

Western Electric Grids – the branch of JSC “MOESK” has shown stable dynamics of increase in the total of the received applications for technological connection (TC) to the Company electric grids based on the results of the first quarter of 2011. For the current period of this year, the number of the TC applications has exceeded two thousand for the total power of 57.99 MVA. The largest number of the applications was received in the Mozhaisk District - 501 applications for the power of 9.16 MVA. The dynamically developing Odintsovsky District is also among the leaders. More than 450 applications for the total power of 13.76 MVA were received in its client division of the technological connections service in the branch.
The number of the concluded agreement has increased as well. In 2008 they equaled 1,801 pieces; in 2009 – 5,575, in 2010 – 5,543, for the first quarter of the current year – 1,586.
The client offices operate on the basis of each electric grid district (EGD) of the branch for convenience of consumers, where the customer may examine all necessary documentation of legal, engineering and organizational nature. The specialists render qualified on-site consultation assistance, if questions arise. Acceptance and processing of applications is carried out here, and an answer in writing is given to each applicant in target dates.
JSC “MOESK” is a client-focused organization, which aims to make cooperation with it as comfortable as possible. The specialists of the company do their best so that to make the client be sure of reliability of the Company, its trustworthiness and high quality of performed works already at the stage of signing the agreement.


Western Electric Grids – the branch of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” attends more than 100 thousand standard units of energy equipment in the territory of 8 administrative districts of the Moscow Area, the total area of which exceeds 10 thousand sq. km. The attendance zone of the branch includes the following districts of the Moscow Area: the Odintsovsky, Naro-Fominsky, Istrinsky, Mozhzaisky, Ruzsky, Lotoshinsky, Shakhovskoi, Volokolamsky Districts. The primary goals of the branch are ensuring of reliability of supply of electricity to consumers in the responsibility zone and rendering of technological connection services.
The structure of the branch incorporates: 103 substations of 35-110-220 kilovolt, high-voltage lines (HVL) of 35-110-220 kilovolt of about 3,200 km in length, high-voltage lines (HVL) of 0.4-10 kilovolt (kV) of about 13,000 km in length, cable lines (CL) of 35 kilovolt (kV) of about 122 km in length.
The number of transformer substations (TS) approximates 5,358. The aggregate number of the personnel of the Western Electric Grids exceeds 2,000 people. 




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