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Rosseti Moscow Region

April 19, 2011

JSC “MOESK” meets repairs target of 1st quarter 2011 in south of Moscow Area

Compliance with the repairs program is one of the priority lines in the work of the grid enterprise. RUR 885.4 million were assigned for its implementation in 2011, which is by 70% more than during the last year.
Southern Electric Grids – the branch of JSC “MOESK” hold the scheduled repairs according to the target. As at 1 April of the current year, the volume of the repairs and maintenance of fixed assets has been RUR 118.9 million.
The special attention is paid to improvement of reliability and safety, technical condition of the equipment of substations. As from the beginning of the year, 7 power transformers of 35-220 kV and more than 100 oil breakers of 6-220 kV have been repaired. Replacement of 794 insulators at 35-110 kV OL and 1100 insulators at 6-10 kV OL, 328 supports at 6-10 kV OL was held.
The important line of the repairs program in 2011 has become clearing and expansion of routes for power lines. 94.96 hectares of routes have been cleared, 15 thousand of trees menacing by falling on power wires have been cut down for the first quarter of the current year.
For the purpose of arrangement of works on prevention of extreme situations because of threats of falling trees on power lines of JSC “MOESK” related with clearing, felling, cutting down of wood and bush vegetation at routes, glades and in the security zones of power lines and other electric grid facilities, the branch Southern Electric Grids has been determined to be the platform for development of the pilot project on arrangement of works on bringing the routes of overhead power lines of 35-110-220 kV to the normative condition according to the decision of the management of the company JSC “MOESK”.
According to the order of the management of JSC “MOESK”, now the work is held in respect of on definition of priority power lines with definition of sites of work, definition of actual density felling sites under current specifications, preparation of assessment of damage and statements of works, preparation of bid documentation.
Implementation of this project will allow to create necessary conditions for operation of power lines, prevent possible consequences of extreme situations of natural and technogenic nature, and also to get practical experience on carrying out of similar works for its application in other branches of the company in the territory of the Moscow Area.
According to the plan, cable lines, relay protection and automatics tools, dispatching and technological control devices, motor transport and special equipment, industrial and office buildings are repaired.
The repair program is one of the major lines in the field of on maintenance of the operational capacity of power facilities. Performance of the repair program is the major stage of preparation of the electric grid company for passage of the autumn and winter and summer maximum of loads. The actions held are aimed to improve the quality and reliability of electric power supply of the population, socially significant and industrial targets of the south of the Moscow Area.
Southern Electric Grids – the branch of JSC “MOESK” supplies electricity to the consumers of the south of the Moscow Area. The enterprise attends 126,990 units of energy equipment in the territory of 10 administrative districts of the Moscow Area, the total area of which is around 9,070 sq. km. The structure of the grid complex includes operating 10 electric grid districts, 111 S (substations) of 35-110-220 kV, overhead power lines of 35-110-220 kV, the total length of which exceeds 2,460 km, OL of 0.4-6/10 kV, the total length of which is 13,054.5 km and 2,994 km of cable power lines of 0.4-6/10-35 kV.




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