On Friday, March 18th, ordinary shares of JSC “MOESK” have climbed in value by 3,28 percent. According to information from the agency “RosBusinessConsulting” (RBC), the statements of the Company’s Director General Andrey Konovalov have served as the growth drivers. The day before, at the briefing on March 17, 2011 he announced the preliminary results of the Company’s activity in compliance with RAS for 2010. Revenue of “MOESK” increased by 26,8%, to RUR 108 bln. The Company’s net profit grew to RUR 15,7 bln., that exceeded twice in comparison with figures for 2009 according to RAS. Besides, Andrey Konovalov declared that the company will pay dividends in the amount of RUR 450 mln. The payment size fixing at the level of 2009 is caused by necessity for large investments: “MOESK” investment program will amount to RUR 132 bln. for the next five years. As per analysts’ opinion, “MOESK” shares growth potential for 12 months at the current quotations comes to more than 95% excluding dividend yield. Analysts of RBC have recommended “to buy” shares of JSC “MOESK”. Till March 18th, it was suggested “to hold”.