Over the year 2010, Southern Electric Networks, a branch of JSC “MOESK” have conducted 8,853 agreements on technical connections to grids for total capacity exceeding 170 MWt with electric energy consumers. This parameter exceeds results of the year 2009 by almost 50%. During the last year, Southern Electric Networks branch has received 15,261 applications on technical connection, consideration and approval of previously fixed capacity which by 1.2 times exceed the 2009 level. More than 80% from applications made to carry out technical connection were compiled by natural persons. Growth in number of made and realized applications can be first of all reasoned by the fact that each of 10 electric grids districts within responsibility area of JSC “MOESK” has client offices receiving documents from subscribers. Due to opening of the Client Service Center at SEN, explanation work among citizens of Southern Moscow Region on technical connection issues is being carried out interactively days and nights including weekends and holidays.